CYCLONE provides an integrated software stack that enables a wealth of functionality, such as multi-cloud deployment and scaling of federated applications, secure access control using federated identities, as well as software-defined networking functions.
What does CYCLONE solve?
Multi-cloud deployment and scaling of federated applications - It’s hard to deploy federated applications to multiple clouds and also scale them dynamically. In CYCLONE, we rely on the Slipstream Application Deployment Platform to ease these activities considerably. Besides other great features, Slipstream deployments are parameterized, making it easy to configure identity federation, for example.
Using federated identities for secure access control - The CYCLONE Federation Provider makes federated identities (e.g., eduGAIN) available for authentication, authorization, XACML-based distributed access control, and attribute-based encryption. In addition, CYCLONE offers end-to-end security for HTTP-based applications using the Trusted Cloud Transfer Protocol (TCTP).
Automating network service deployment for enhancing application security - We deploy OpenNaaS components using Slipstream to provide network services to cloud applications, for example, firewalling and load balancing. This increases cloud application security and makes network management highly flexible.
Cloud service brokering and matchmaking - The Open Service Compendium provides descriptions of cloud service offerings to be used by the Slipstream service catalog. DevOps can use these descriptions to choose fitting cloud infrastructure offerings for their application topologies. This saves costs and helps DevOps to manage their application deployments.
Distributed monitoring and logging - Using the CYCLONE distributed logging stack, we provide distributed monitoring and logging functionality to federated cloud applications.
Cloud Security Bootstrapping - There are many steps necessary to bootstrap security within cloud applications. Using DITBP, the Dynamic Infrastructure Bootstrapping Protocol, CYCLONE automates these activities.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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