The CANVAS project is organizing an international workshop on “Cybersecurity Challenges in the Government Sphere – Ethical, Legal and Technical Aspects” in Bern Switzerland. The following issues are discussed at the workshop:
Track 1: Active Countermeasures, Attribution & Retaliation: Speakers will discuss questions such as: When is an attribution secure enough to justify a retaliation? What ethical implications arise in the relationship between nations if attribution is not so clear and may be (ab)used for political pressure? Is it possible to form an internationally recognized body that can be tasked with attribution?
Track 2: Vulnerabilities, Zero Day Exploits, Backdoors and a states right to access protected information in the cyberspace: Speakers will discuss advantages and disadvantages of different approaches such as Zero Day vulnerability disclosure or obligations to implement backdoors in operating systems, their ethical, technical and juridical implications.
Track 3: Cyber Peace: There are many controversial discussions about cyber war, if this is currently happening, how the concept of sovereignty which most often includes borders can be handled in the digi- tal space and if belligerent actions should be regulated by international law. We would like to flip the discussion. Speakers talk about how cyber peace would look like and how it could be achieved.
The Workshop is on invitation only; it is non-profit, but participants will pay for their catering costs (below 100 Euro). We are currently inviting workshop participants from academia, govern- ment (law enforcement, intelligence, military, CERTs), NGOs and the IT security industry. If you are interested to participate, please send an email with your contact information and your affiliati- on to canvas.workshop.bern2018@gmail.com. You will then receive further information.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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