In the last few years, cyber security has become more of a priority for all types of organisations than ever before. The cyber threat landscape has greatly evolved with attackers commonly using more advanced techniques to bypass perimeter security controls organisations have implemented through the setup of Security Operation Centres (SOCs) and Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs). With the percentage of remote working constantly increasing and cyber threats evolving at a dazzling rate, automation of cybersecurity operations is now becoming a necessity for all kinds of organisations.
Six European funded projects CitySCAPE, HEIR, PUZZLE, SENTINEL, SECANT and TRAPEZE have joined forces to respond to these emerging challenges and will present in a joint webinar on 19.01.2023 their activities, results and different approaches on cybersecurity issues in complimentary domains.
An interactive panel discussion will revolve around specific challenges and possible solutions in the transport and health domains as well as looking at opportunities for SMEs and Micro Enterprises to adopt a safer posture thanks to the projects results.
Given that cybersecurity is not just an IT issue, the event will cater for both IT specialists and a wider audience including employees from all departments and at all levels of seniority.
The joint webinar will be held online on 19.01.2023 from 10:00 to 14:30 CET.
Registration is free of charge but mandatory! You can book your seat → here.
10:00-10:15 | Welcome and opening of the event, presentation of event agenda
Angelos Amditis, Research and Development Director (ICCS/NTUA), CitySCAPE Project Coordinator
10:15-12:45 | Session 1 Project Presentations
10:15-10:35 | CitySCAPE presentation + 5min Q&As
Jason Sioutis, Project Coordination Team (ICCS)
10:35-10:55 | HEIR presentation + 5min Q&As
Herve Debar, Project Coordinator (IMT)
10:55-11:15 | PUZZLE presentation + 5min Q&As
Jasna Komatović, Communication and Dissemination (Vojvodina ICT Cluster – VOICT)
11:15-11:30 | Coffee break
11:30-11:50 | SENTINEL presentation + 5min Q&As
Siranush Akarmazyan, Project Coordination team member (ITML)
12:05-12:25 | TRAPEZE presentation + 5min Q&As
Alexander Vasylchenko Project Manager (TenForce)
12:25-12:45 | SECANT presentation + 5min Q&As
Monica Caballero (Project Manager), Dimitris Kavallieros Scientific Manager (INTRA)
12:45-13:30 | Lunch break
13:30-14:25 | Session 2 Cyber Security Challenges on H2020 projects
Open discussion on challenges/topics, such as:
Moderator: Jason Sioutis (ICCS)
CitySCAPE - Karl Grün, Austrian Standards, Thierry Henault, CS Group, Sammy Haddad, Oppida
HEIR - Herve Debar, IMT, Michalis Smyrlis, Sphynx Technology Solutions AG, Apostolis Zarras, FORTH
SENTINEL - Siranush Akarmazyan, ITML
TRAPEZE - Alexander Vasylchenko, TenForce
SECANT - Sokratis Nifakos, Karolinska Inst, Orestis Mavropoulos, Exalens, Themis Anagnostopoulos, Axon
14:25-14:30 | Wrap-up and conclusions
Jason Sioutis (ICCS)
Registration is free of charge but mandatory! You can book your seat → here.
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