The Covid-19 pandemic has driven digitisation in communication and collaboration between employees in many companies. The use of new tools and platforms leads to increased demands on cyber security, and especially small businesses often face challenges addressing them.
The third annual Trinational Cybersecurity Days took place on 17-19 March 2022 in Basel, Switzerland. It brought together practitioners from SMEs in Switzerland, Germany and France to exchange information on current practical content and issues. GEIGER was this year introduced at the beginning of the event. All participants got informed about the current state of the project and we raised a call for collaboration with us.
Read more information on the Trinational Cybersecurity Days here, and watch a video (in German) in which the organiser of the event, Prof. Bettina Schneider from the Competence Centre for Cyber Security & Cyber Resilience at FHNW, looks back on the event.
This article was originally published at: https://project.cyber-geiger.eu/Events/20220319_Trinational_cybersecurity_days.html
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