Dr. Antonis Michalas received his PhD in Applied Cryptography and Privacy from Aalborg University, Denmark. He is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computing Sciences, at Tampere University, Finland where he is also co-leading the Network and Information Security (NISEC) group. The group comprises PhD students, professors and researchers. Group members conduct research in areas spanning from the theoretical foundations of cryptography to the design and implementation of leading edge efficient and secure communication protocols. Apart from his research work at NISEC, as an assistant professor he is actively involved in the teaching activities of the University. Finally, his role expands to student supervision and research projects coordination. Furthermore, Antonis has published a significant number of papers in field-related journals and conferences and has participated as a speaker in various conferences and workshops. His research interests include operations on encrypted data, private and secure e-voting systems, reputation systems, privacy in decentralized environments, cloud computing, trusted computing and privacy-preserving analytics.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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