Jasna Komatovic
Vojvodina ICT Cluster
01 September 2020
31 August 2023
PUZZLE brings together multidisciplinary competences and resources from the academia, industry and research community focusing on digital community, multi-dependency cyberphysical risk assessment, edge trust assurance services and remote attestation, distributed processing, programmable networking mechanisms, cybersecurity analytics, deep analysis and distributed machine learning, threat intelligence and blockchain technologies.
It is an EU-funded project, a part of the Horizon 2020 programme, set to design and implement state-of-the-art cybersecurity, privacy and data protection management framework. PUZZLE’s novel approach of providing cybersecurity services through a marketplace, easy to adopt and deploy within SMEs&MEs network and computational infrastructure, leads to a bigger picture of improved readiness and responsiveness of SMEs&MEs in the areas of security, privacy, threats management, and personal data protection.
Through blockchain-oriented technologies, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and microenterprises (MEs) will efficiently process information flows and establish online collaboration and knowledge sharing with other SMEs & MEs.
PUZZLE will track the relationships among the cyber assets of each SME&ME, considering the available network, compute and storage infrastructure and use them to efficiently calculate individual, cumulative and propagated risks, as well as recommend and apply mitigation actions. The PUZZLE will support vulnerabilities and threats assessment in a collaborative manner based on the homogenization of data provided by the SMEs&MEs.
PUZZLE is going to provide monitoring and visualisation tools, as well as a dashboard where information regarding the set of assets, vulnerabilities, identified threats and risks is going to be made available to end-users; mainly the people responsible for cybersecurity issues management within SMEs&MEs.
PUZZLE will implement a highly usable cybersecurity, privacy and data protection management marketplace targeted at SMEs&MEs. The PUZZLE will track the relationships among the cyber assets of each SME&ME, considering the available network, compute and storage infrastructure and use them to efficiently calculate individual, cumulative and propagated risks, as well as recommend and apply mitigation actions.
Automated defensive strategies deployment mechanisms are also going to be made available, reducing a lot the complexity and the burden for the deployment of the provided services by cybersecurity managers in SMEs&MEs. Special emphasis will be given on the usability and the rise of competitiveness of the PUZZLE Marketplace, by designing solutions that can be easily onboarded by external cybersecurity providers and can be seamlessly adopted by the end-users taking into account their preferences. The provided services will be made accessible through the SMEs&MEs Dashboard that will be developed.
Cybersecurity is a challenge that never ends and for that reason, PUZZLE came up with an Innovation Contest for SMEs&MEs in order to improve its Marketplace and testing activities within the project. Given that many businesses find major success in the competition format, an Innovation Contest is aimed to inspire start-ups and vendors to get creative through sponsorship. At the same time, by taking part in the Innovation Contest, these young businesses will increase innovation within their own organizations if stand out with ideas.
The moment PUZZLE issues an Open Call of Expression of Interest will be the starting signal for interested parties to present their ideas, potential and creativity on how the PUZZLE Marketplace could complement the development activities of a product/service they are already providing to customers.
Teams who manage to meet criteria framed around a problem will be granted with an Innovation Coupon of €10.000 but not before the end of the successful implementation of each case thanks to which the PUZZLE will collect feedback.
Our consortium will design a standard application template document of 10 pages and the contest will be kept open for 4 months until a specified deadline. The PUZZLE will then narrow down the selection to 10 highly ranked SMEs&MEs applicants and 5 highly ranked cybersecurity vendors whose ideas are worth being further developed into proposals for Marketplace.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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