In an increasingly connected world, it is important to have solutions that guarantee the veracity, integrity, and confidentiality of data with an end-to-end approach in order to avoid malicious actions that could compromise data confidentiality, and therefore, question the trust of the user. Vanessa Clemente, European Coordinator of the M-Sec Project.
M-Sec (Multi-layered Security technologies to ensure hyper connected smart cities with Blockchain, BigData, Cloud and IoT) provides a low-cost and flexible end-to-end secure IoT Framework extending security mechanisms from the device to the cloud and the application, in a seamless and fully integrated manner. M-Sec introduces tools for designing and validating secure applications and providing device-level security that protects IoT devices from malware through intrusion detection mechanisms and vulnerability detection systems, including a secure element to handle the integrity of the device during the boot process and the authentication and encryption for external communication channels. It entails data security where sensitive data is encrypted together with a hash. Finally, M-Sec expands this security support end-to-end.
IoT Smart City Applications are a key component of most digital transformations, but as the number of IoT devices continues to rise, the challenges related to security and privacy are more and more present. M-Sec is born to overcome the main challenges on data reliability, confidentiality, integrity and availability. Security and privacy vulnerabilities are considered in all layers of the system. The project provides a market-ready end to end IoT framework based on partners research in risks and threats analysis, state of the art of technologies such as blockchain, IoT Protocols.
M-Sec eases the development of IoT applications while reducing development costs and ensuring security with no need for expert knowledge to be compliant with the latest regulations such as GDPR and APPI through its secure framework based on end-to-end IoT Layer solution. The consortium brings new IoT security standards to ensure end-to-end data privacy through its reliable and trustworthy M-Sec IoT ecosystem.
Visit M-Sec to know more how they are contributing in ensuring hyper-connected smart cities with Blockchain, BigData, Cloud and IoT.
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