Developing a secured IoT Smart City Framework for a better digital future
The EU Industry Days is Europe’s flagship annual event on industry, serving as the main platform to discuss industrial challenges and co-develop opportunities and policy responses in an inclusive dialogue with a wide range of partners. The next edition will take place in the week of 22-26 February 2021.
The 4th edition of the EU Industry Days will focus on the accelerated twin green and digital transition, and the changing global competitive landscape in the post-COVID context. Against this background, the M-Sec will organize a local event entitled “Developing a secure IoT Smart City Framework for a better digital future” dedicated to discuss the challenges related with security and privacy in smart cities and how the M-Sec framework can help overcome them, and thus support the shaping of Europe’s digital future.
IoT Smart City Applications are a key component of most digital transformations, but as the number of IoT devices continues to raise, the challenges related with security and privacy are more and more present. M-Sec is born to overcome the main challenges on data reliability, confidentiality, integrity and availability. Security and privacy vulnerabilities are considered in all layers of the system; from a device level to network level to an application level.
The Webinar will be held on the 9th of March at 10am CET (Brussels Time), through Zoom.
Register here: https://www.f6s.com/msec-euindustrydays2021localevent
See you there?
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