e-abo is a Swiss startup offering a solution that entrepreneurs and small business owners providing courses, for example sports classes, can use to efficiently organise their activities through a mobile app.
The idea of the app was born out of necessity. Heike Klaus, one of the founders of the startup, managed her own yoga studio with spreadsheets, customer cards, and on paper. Her clients signed up for courses using mobile message apps, phone or email, and the time and effort it took Heike to keep track of everything was overwhelming.
A better way to manage the registrations was needed - but all existing solutions were too expensive for a small business. So the idea to bring to the market a new affordable solution for course administration was born! Heike launched the first version of the e-abo solution in 2018. Today, there are three license options, ideal for different types and sizes of businesses.
In these increasingly digital times, privacy, data protection and cybersecurity are becoming more and more important factors when selecting products and services we use. The GEIGER project offers us the possibility to evaluate the level of cybersecurity risks in our small business, and to eliminate any potential threats. In addition to securing our own business and making sure our clients are safe, we are delighted to become GEIGER ambassadors. We want to spread the word among our clients about the importance of cybersecurity for their businesses as well!
- Heike Klaus, co-founder of e-abo
This article was originally published on 16 July 2020 on GEIGER website.
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