Niccolò Zazzeri
01 June 2019
31 May 2022
As digitisation becomes a business priority for many organisations in Europe and around the world, the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) will generate huge opportunities for key industries like manufacturing, oil and gas, agriculture, mining and transportation. IIoT is bringing machines, analytics, and people to form a network of industrial devices connected by communications technologies. Machine-to-machine communication, however, increases the risk of cyberattacks. This is why the EU-funded C4IIoT project will build and demonstrate a novel and unified IIoT cybersecurity framework for malicious and anomalous behaviour anticipation, detection, mitigation, and end-user informing. It will be a holistic and disruptive security-enabling solution to minimise attack surfaces in IIoT systems. The C4IIoT framework will be tested in real settings:
C4IIoT will build and demonstrate a novel and unified IIoT cybersecurity framework for malicious and anomalous behavior anticipation, detection, mitigation, and end-user informing. The framework provides a holistic and disruptive security-enabling solution for minimizing attack surfaces in IIoT systems, by exploiting
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