Julie Arteza
01 November 2019
30 April 2022
The EU-funded 5GZORRO project (Zero-touch security and trust for ubiquitous computing and connectivity in 5G networks) will develop these envisaged solutions for zero-touch service, network and security management in multi-stakeholder environments (ubiquitous), making use of Smart contracts based on Distributed Ledgers Technologies to implement required business agility.
5GZORRO consortium envisions the evolution of 5G to achieve truly production-level support of diverse vertical applications, which coexist on a highly pervasive shared network infrastructure, through automated end-to-end network slicing, across multiple operators and infrastructure/resource providers, who can share heterogeneous types of resources (spectrum, virtualized radio access, virtualized edge/core).
5GZORRO uses distributed Artificial Intelligence (AI) to implement cognitive network orchestration and management with minimal manual intervention (Zero-Touch Automation).
Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) are adopted to implement flexible and efficient distributed security and trust across the various parties involved a 5G end-to-end service chain.
Cross-domain Secure And Trusted Zero-touch Service And Network Management solution (it includes intelligent and automated resource discovery, brokerage, selection and operation mechanisms to facilitate workload offloading to 3rd-party resources)
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