PDP4E is an innovation action that intends to endow software and system engineers with methods and software tools to systematically apply data protection principles in the projects they carry out and have the products they create comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), thus bringing the principles of Privacy and Data Protection (PDP1) to practice. For that aim, PDP4E will introduce well-known, state-of-the-art data protection methods and techniques into the everyday activities and mainstream tools usually applied by engineers in their habitual work.
Below are the main objectives of the project:
Obj 1: Introduce features to support privacy by design and data protection into existent mainstream software and system engineering tools.
Obj 2: Integrate privacy by design and data protection activities within existent mainstream software and system engineering methods.
Obj 3: Empower engineers overall to leverage the existent knowhow on data protection; even if they are not savy in the field.
Obj 4: Spread the adoption of data protection practice in time and space, by promoting the adaptation of the tools and methods to the mainstream needs of engineers
Obj 5: Foster the broadest practice of privacy and data protection engineering, by advancing the existent communities of practice of privacy engineering (IPEN) and bridging them to mainstream development communities
Obj 6: Demonstrate readiness for mainstream practice of the methods and tools produced, by having engineers apply them for GDPR compliance in pilot developments for the fintech and smart grid domains
To know more about PDP4E project watch this video interview by Yod Samuel Martin (Scientific and Technical lead of PDP4E project, Engineering Department of Telematics Systems)
Interview with Yod Samuel Martin (Departamento de Ingenieria de Sistemas Telemáticos) about the project PDP4E
Stay tuned as we bring you more details to know more about this PDP4E and how they will help the cyber security and privacy community in driving GDPR in EU.
You can visit their official website Project website and social media accounts:
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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