Aristeidis Farao from Neurosft, who was secondee of the SealedGRID project, together with Antonio Muñoz from the University of Malaga and Christos Xenakis from the University of Piraeus wrote a joint SealedGRID scientific publication. It is entitled ICITPM: Integrity Validation of Software in Iterative Continuous Integration Through the Use of Trusted Platform Module (TPM). The publication presents a security scheme for CI/DC environments reinforcing the integrity of each project.
The publication presented on the 1st workshop “Dependability and Safety Emerging Cloud and fog Systems (also know as DeSECSYS)”.
DESECSYS was a virtual conference and occurred on 17/9/2020. You can find a brief description of the paper on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU0Td-jSXPE
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