Indoor localization system developed by GUT within SCOTT project was presented on 21st of February during the annual meeting of specialists working in the area of translational medicine in Gdansk. Over 150 specialists from different fields of medicine, biology, biotechnology, pharmacy and chemistry, that work together in the biggest translational medicine centre in northern Poland, discussed relevant new preclinical research and disease-targeted research outcomes, that can be used to develop new methods to improve human health and longevity. During the meeting, Lukasz Kulas presented indoor localization system and also SCOTT methodology that can be used to set different privacy and security levels in different instances of the system. Presented achievements gained a lot of attention form translational medicine specialists – as the system can be used to support different needs with different privacy levels. When the system supports management of medical samples and organs for transplantation the privacy level can be low to better focus on safety and time-relevant issues. But when the system will be used to provide safety to elderly patients the privacy level will be higher to protect patient’s privacy and, as a consequence, higher acceptance of the system.
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