PARIS will define and demonstrate a methodological approach for the development of surveillance infrastructure which enforces the right of citizens for privacy, justice and freedom and takes into account the evolving nature of such rights, e.g. aspects that are acceptable today might not be acceptable in the future, and the social and anthropological nature of such rights, e.g. perception of such rights varies. The methodological approach will be based on two pillars, first a theoretical framework for balancing surveillance and privacy/data protection which fully integrates the concept of accountability, and secondly an associated process for the design of surveillance systems which takes from the start privacy (i.e. privacy-by-design) and accountability (i.e. accountability-by-design). The theoretical framework will first be defined in a generic way and guidelines will be provided to define specialized conceptual frameworks (e.g. for a given country), further called SALT frameworks (Social/Anthropological/Legal/Technological) Examples of SALT frameworks will be provided. The case of SALT frameworks interplay (i.e. exchanging surveillance data) will be analysed. A framework management tool will be developed (1) to allow for the creation and edition of a conceptual framework and (2) to subsequently act as a reference to surveillance system designers. A SALT compliant design process will then be defined, i.e. surveillance and privacy balance according to the specialized framework will be ensured through the process. Two use case will be demonstrated, one based on video search technology which focuses on the archived data, and one based on biometrics technology which focuses on embedded systems sensor like data. The two use cases will used different SALT frameworks. The resulting methodology will be promoted through associations and standardization bodies. The project is 36-months long and includes 8 partners.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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