Alejandra Alcantara
Our team of experts has been working more than 20 years of experience providing cyber-security services to international companies.
Our goal is to offer the best service to our customers, always offering the solution that best suits their needs with a 24x7 service the 365 days. We provide Ethical Hacking services, cybersecurity, anti-fraud, antiphishing, antimalware and early threat detection services, guaranteeing the correct maintenance of your computer systems with constant monitoring.
Your systems will be protected and ready when you need them.
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How it works?
HISPASEC has created a malware analysis services for Android. We currently have more than 50 million applications of which a third of them have been listed as Malware. Once detected, malware is analyzed and cataloged within our systems.
SANA: Analysis, Notification and Alerts Service
SANA: Service Analysis, Notification and Alerts.
Our security alert system, which allows you to be aware of any incidents related to your systems or integrated into your applications.
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