ENCASE (ENhancing seCurity and privAcy in the Social wEb) is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges Action, Grant Agreement No. 691025.
The ENCASE will leverage the latest advances in usable security and privacy to design and implement a browser-based architecture for the protection of minors from malicious actors in online social networks.
The main research and innovation objectives of the ENCASE project are:
a) to understand the security and privacy concerns of OSN;
b) to research methods for performing user profiling, as well as sentiment and affective analysis in OSNs;
c) to design algorithms and machine learning (ML) techniques that detect malicious behaviour and fake activity in OSNs and warn the users or their custodians of when they are being or are about to be subjected to such online abuses; and d) to design effective content protection mechanisms by employing watermarking, steganography, and advanced encryption techniques.
Read more details on the ENCASE dedicated page and find out more about the latest update of this project
>>> https://cyberwatching.eu/projects/1304/enhancing-security-and-privacy-social-web
Stay tuned as we will bring you more details about ENCASE and latest contributions and project results.
You can visit their official website and social media accounts:
Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics Cyprus University of Technology
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