Valeria Andreolli
01 December 2016
30 November 2019
Leveraging advanced research in automatic test generation, STAMP aims at pushing automation in DevOps one step further through innovative methods of test amplification. It will reuse existing assets (test cases, API descriptions, dependency models), in order to generate more test cases and test configurations each time the application is updated. Acting at all steps of development cycle, it will bring amplification services at unit level, configuration level and production stage.
STAMP will raise confidence and foster adoption of DevOps by the European IT industry. The project gathers 3 academic partners with strong software testing expertise, 5 software companies (in: e-Health, Content Management, Smart Cities and Public Administration), and an open source consortium. This industry-near research addresses concrete, business-oriented objectives. All solutions are open source and developed as microservices to facilitate exploitation, with a target at TRL 6.
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