There are today more than 360 different IoT platforms. The problem is that they are fragmented and lack security. Additionally, interoperability between most of them is not possible.
At the moment, there are no genuinely decentralized federated security solutions.
It is SOFIE-s ambition to solve this enigma and to establish a framework for the smooth uptake of IoT technologies with developing a trailblazing blockchain driven federated platform, which will enable new data exchange paths between the fragmented IoT systems and legacy silos. This is not just a theoretical advantage, but a key property that will increase trust and allow fast adoption and organic growth SOFIE-based business platforms.
Secure, open federation is the key concept of SOFIE approach, aiming to enable creation of business platforms, based on existing IoT platforms and distributed ledgers, without needing to negotiate with any gatekeeper (neither technology nor business wise).
Utilising SOFIE’s secure open federation will enable new business models and increased innovation.
The SOFIE platform supports reuse of data across platforms and application areas, while allowing users to retain control of their data. This will enable a multitude of innovative third party applications and services, which create new value from existing data. Additionally, ledger-independent transactions with different granularity in time and cost can spur innovation in applications in a bottom-up manner and through end-user initiatives.
SOFIE’s pilots provide evidence that the innovative concepts can be transformed into commercially viable products and services. The innovation potential within each pilot domain and across-pilots that SOFIE will actively pursue includes the following:
Food chain: Microclimate monitoring, tracking of the entire production and supply chain history for each food item, customer and food marketplace interaction.
Mixed reality mobile gaming: Smart mixed-reality objects which can offer a completely new gaming experience, smart micropayments in virtual and real currencies between gamers and other parties.
Energy: Fine-grain two-way metering with fully automated demand-side auctions.
Cross-pilot: Innovative applications combining building automation, micro-climate monitoring, energy consumption, and food quality; gamification of energy saving.
SOFIE approach has the potential of becoming the de facto standard for sustainable industry-wide next generation IoT systems. SOFIE outcomes support the development of green economy and protection of European natural capital, making it possible to use resources more efficiently while moving towards a low-carbon future. Moreover, SOFIE empowers food chain supply transparency, safeguarding the health and wellbeing of people and animals .
Cyberwatching.eu has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 740129. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions of Use