Online Social Networks (OSNs) are a very big part of our lives today in a daily basis. Unfortunately, OSNs have also become the main mechanism for cyber bullies to hide behind a screen while distressing their victims. In particular, numerous studies reveal that hate speech, offensive language, sexism, racism and other types of abusive behavior have become a common phenomenon in many online social media platforms.
The aforementioned types of abusive behavior in OSNs can pose a major problem, especially when youngsters are the receiving end of this malicious act. One of the main objectives of the ENCASE project is to develop a browser add-on, along with its corresponding Intelligent Web-Proxy (IWP) which is responsible to host the trained classifiers extracted from its OSN Data Analytics Software Stack, for identifying the previously stated types of problematic behaviors.
To this end, in this document we demonstrate the ENCASE tool which is consisted by: a) the OSN Data Analytics Software Stack, a strong machine where we host the datasets collected throughout our research to train our machine learning algorithms for extracting the trained malicious behavior detection classifiers; b) the Intelligent Web-Proxy, a small machine that can be configured in the network of the protected group, designed to host the trained classifiers and monitor the online traffic activity of minors in numerous OSNs. The Intelligent Web-Proxy is the heart of our architecture, which in a sophisticated, seamless and secure way protects our focus group –youngsters; c) the browser add-on, designed to notify the minors about any malicious behavior detected by the IWP. In addition, the browser add-on seamlessly protects the minors by censoring hateful content, raid, abuse, and cyberbullying; and last, we demonstrate d) the Parental Console, the bridge that connects the browser add-on of the minor to their parents. This fine-grained console enables the custodians of the minors, in a privacy preserving way, to be notified about the detected malicious behavior detected by the IWP.
This demonstrator document provides a brief glance to the first functioning, alpha tested prototype of the ENCASE tool.
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