AARC, the successful project about Authentication and Authorisation for Research and Collaboration which aims to support research communities of all scientific disciplines with best practices and expertise on Authorization and Authentication Infrastructures.
The phase 1 of the project is coming to an end in April 2019 and it will showcase all the outstanding results it accomplished in a final All Hands Meeting. The closing event will take place in the United Kingdom, in Abingdon, on March 18-20. Cyberwatching in currently featuring AARC from 11th to 17th of February. See events details on http://bit.ly/2Sw0MZH.
Probably AARC’s most renown and fundamental development, the Blueprint Architecture is a scalable solution that allows federated access management solutions for international research collaborations. It consists in a series of software building blocks that can be combined to fulfil the needs of both research institutions and software architects. This solution allows for a shared and safe research environment, where all the institutions can customize their software on a common framework while also being in compliance with european and international policies.
The BPA is made up of four essential layers grouped by functional roles: User Identities, Identity Access Management, Authorisation and End-services. The single blocks in the four areas are then used to create softwares.
Detailed instructions on how the Blueprint Architecture works are available on AARC 2’s website in their Guidelines section: https://aarc-project.eu/guidelines/
In January 2019, AARC launched its last but surely not least important tool. Due to the subject the Policy Development Kit for Research Infrastructures (PDK) might seem like a less interesting development in AARC’s activities but it is nonetheless of utter importance.
The PDK provides help to researchers and research infrastructures to develop their digital policies and to comply to cybersecurity standards without having to start from scratch every time. Naturally the policies suggested are in perfect alignment with AARC’s Blueprint Architecture and with European and International Standards.
Besides documents, templates, guidelines and a glossary AARC 2 provided media content and interactive tools including a full Moodle course and a playlist of lessons on YouTube GÉANTtv.
Watch this video and know more about the AARC's Policy Development Kit (PDK)
Read more about project AARC, their tools and training materials on their website @https://aarc-project.eu/.
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