On the 2nd of April 2019, the cyberwatching.eu webinar on the European Cybersecurity Competence Network and Centre took place. It particularly targeted SMEs and aimed at demonstrating how can they benefit from the European Commission’s initiatives regarding the Competence Centre.
The main focus of the webinar was the four pilot projects - CONCORDIA, CyberSec4Europe, ECHO and SPARTA - which were launched earlier this year in order to operate a pilot for a European Cybersecurity Competence Network and to develop a common European Cybersecurity Research & Innovation Roadmap.
These four projects stressed their contribution to cybersecurity awareness raising and training: e.g., ECHO provides cyber skills reference model, while SPARTA raises awareness among different players including non-tech SMEs which have already ‘gone digital’ but have not been aware of cyber-threats.
On the other hand, CONCORDIA and CyberSec4Europe deliver targeted Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Small Private Online Courses (SPOOCs). This is particularly important because, as it has been highlighted during the webinar:
In addition, the importance of ICT standardisation for SMEs has been presented by StandICT projectrepresentatives. Besides the offer of StandICT, the four pilots also have something to propose in the field: for instance, Cyberse4Europe will aim at converting European tech knowledge accumulated through R&I actions to international standards, ECHO will collect and present sector specific security certification needs, SPARTA will facilitate certification of the novel tools.
European cybersecurity SMEs are also lacking behind in a global competition: about 75% of the most innovative cybersecurity companies come from the US, while EU companies represent only 10%. Therefore, the European Commission, which was represented by Ms. Nineta Polemi (DG Connect, Unit H1 Cybersecurity technology and Capacity Building) expects that the four pilot projects contribute to the development of cybersecurity technological and industrial capacities and help to increase competitiveness of the Union cybersecurity industry.
How? some of the exemplary actions from the four cybersecurity pilot projects include:
However, these are only few of the key features from the four pilot projects. Much more benefits for SMEs will follow! If you have missed the latest cyberwatching.eu webinar you can see the recording (and download all the presentations).
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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