The Concertation Meeting is Cyberwatching.eu’s biggest yearly event, involving all the main European Cybersecurity and Privacy organisations. Last year’s edition on April 2018 gathered in Brussels 65 participants and 48 service offers, along with 3 CS&P Clusters.
Its main objective is to foster cooperation among Cybersecurity projects and align their actions and plans into a unified and more effective proposal.
In this edition, the focus will all be on the hottest and emerging topics of the moment, in particular on:
The state of adoption and next actions around GDPR
Standards and certification for Cybersecurity
IoT, new technologies and the opportunities they offer
Each of the three main areas of interest will have dedicated break-out sessions, where the projects will present themselves, open up and provide inputs for the EC.
In fact, the outcomes of these discussions will result in post-event documents on policy and help the European Commission to gather recommendations from projects and to modulate their future strategy.
Being the European Observatory for Cybersecurity and Privacy Cyberwatching.eu will be the best platform to gather all the Unit H1 and CS&P projects. The massive participation during last year’s event proves that cooperation for a more cyber-secure Europe is possible and the Cyberwatching.eu Concertation meeting is an important agent in this process.
Through the Cyberwatching.eu Concertation Meeting cybersecurity organisations will be able to showcase their results, have a direct confrontation with other projects and with EC representatives, exploit possible synergies and convergences.
With these premises, the event has the potential to shape once again the Cybersecurity and Privacy ecosystem in Europe.
Don’t miss it! Register to the 2nd Cyberwatching.eu Concertation Meeting by clicking here:https://cyberwatching.eu/4-june-2019-concertation-meeting-brussels-registration
See more details and the full agenda on the page of the event: https://www.cyberwatching.eu/news-events/events/brussels-second-cw-concertation-meeting-04062019
The meeting will be held at the Marriott Grand Palace hotel, Rue Auguste Orts 3-7, 1000 Bruxelles.
And to receive more updates follow us on our social media channels!
Twitter: @cyberwatchingeu
LinkedIn: in/cyber-watching
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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