Poseidon is one of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Cluster projects that aims to develop an innovative Privacy Enhancing Dashboard for personal data protection supporting the digital security pillars of the new EU’s GDPR. PoSeID-on will be implemented within a single, integrated tool, adopting blockchain and smart contracts technology on a cloud infrastructure.
PoSeID-on will combine expertise, experience and skills of partners on personal data protection and regulation needs as well as technological services development and delivery. Ten participants (plus three linked third parties) from seven European countries constitute the PoSeIDon Consortium combining Public Administrations (Italian Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, Austrian Bundesministerium Für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort f as linked third party of BRZ, Santander city), large industry (Accenture, Softeam, PNO with its Italian linked third party being part of the same group called CiaoTECH), two SMEs (E-lex and JIBE), a private/public IT provider (Austrian Federal Computing Centre), a research centre (Tecnalia) and a University (Coimbra University).
PoSeID-on develops an innovative and portable platform based on an intuitive Privacy Enhanced Dashboard combined with innovative technologies such as Blockchain, Cloud and Smart Contracts that enable end-users to manage their personal data and data access authorizations easily, securely and independently. These technologies allow for traceability of transactions over users’ information. PoSeID-on’s Risk Management Module helps reduce privacy risks and threats like identity fraud and data hacking, notifying users about risks and anomalies related to transactions over their data. PoSeID-on will use Open Source architecture components and will enable organizations to provide data protection to their customers.
PoSeID-on platform enables data subjects to have full control over their personal data and make conscious decisions about who can process them and for which purpose, by giving, restricting or revoking access permissions in accordance to the data minimization principle. Data subjects are only able to access the Privacy Enhanced Dashboard through eIDAS-compliant authentication methods. Blockchain and Smart Contracts allow them to track all transactions over their information. Data subjects are also alerted in case of privacy violations or unauthorized accesses to their personal data. The platform guarantees GDPR compliance by default to service providers.
The proposed platform is user-friendly, cost-effective, scalable, suitable to both private and public business and represents an enabler for new service models across industries. PoSeID-on impacts society as a whole, leading to increased trust in the Digital Single Market. It helps both public and private entities to collaborate with one another, identify new business opportunities, and at the same time acquire customers that are less familiar with technology. PoSeID-on will lead to an increased number of digitalized services as well as to the development of new professional profiles. Ultimately, this preconfigured solution will lower technology and regulation barriers for SMEs.
PoSeID-on will be a strong enabler for implementing any kind of digital collaboration between public organizations as well as private ones and among themselves as it will solve or mitigate most of the privacy issues and concerns which represents the main obstacles to ecosystem platform establishment.
Find out more on what are next on the GDPR at the cyberwatchingeu #Concertation19 on June 4, in Brussels, together with the GDPR Cluster projects. Register now!
More information about the POSEIDON Project is available on their website: https://www.poseidon-h2020.eu and social media channels:
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