Jon Shamah
01 June 2016
31 August 2019
FutureTrust project will address the need for globally interoperable solutions with respect to trust and trustworthiness, actively support the standardisation process, and provide Open Source software components and trustworthy services which will ease the use of eID and electronic signature technology in real world applications.
In particular the FutureTrust project will extend the existing European Trusted List (TL) infrastructure towards a “Global Trust List”, develop a comprehensive Open Source Validation Service as well as a scalable Preservation Service for electronic signatures and seals and will provide components for the eID-based application for qualified certificates across borders, and for the trustworthy creation of remote signatures and seals in a mobile environment.
Who is the project designed for?
FutureTrust is targeted at any organisation that would like to incorporate eIDAS services into their architecture but find the lack of clear guidance in the legislation a barrier to adoption. FutureTrust builds an open-source component service structure for eIDAS. Portals, both within the EU and externally will find FutureTrust of assistance. In fact, and organisation or government outside of the EU that wishes to interact with eIDAS services will find FutureTrust a real alternative to eIDAS Article 14.
How is your project benefitting the end-user?
FutureTrust makes it easy to utilise eIDAS compliant services, by building an open-source component service structure for eIDAS. Also, Non Governmental organisations, and non-EU countries can now incorporate eIDAS trustworthiness into their own systems and easily operate to eIDAS trust-levels. FutureTrust is compatible with FutureID and SkIdentity.
Please briefly describe the results your project has achieved
eIDAS is at the end of the funded project but is continuing using the Futuretrust and go.eIDAS branding. Both can be found at https://futuretrust.eu and https://go.eid.as . The available services are shown on the FutureTrust's pilot sub-website. The continuing activities will offer opensource components and support services to ensure the easy construction of eIDAS conformant applications.
FutureTrust project addresses the need for globally interoperable solutions through basic research with respect to the foundations of trust and trustworthiness, actively support the standardisation process in relevant areas, and provide Open Source software components and trustworthy services which will ease the use of eID and electronic signature technology in real world applications. In particular the FutureTrust project will extend the existing European Trusted List (TL) infrastructure towards a “Global Trust List”, develop a comprehensive Open Source Validation Service as well as a scalable Preservation Service for electronic signatures and seals and will provide components for the eID-based application for qualified certificates across borders, and for the trustworthy creation of remote signatures and seals in a mobile environment.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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