Ruben Radwan Tognetti
01 January 2017
31 December 2018
Trusted Cloud is a security compliance machine for the cloud. Our environment centralise security policies in public and hybrid clouds. We support:
- Intelligent protection (anti malware/virus/intrusion)
- Data encryption
- Sandboxing
- IDaaS (Identity as a Service)
- Advance Persistent Threat detection
- Security dashboard.
From our console and SDK we integrate with stand alone and managed security services. We support multicloud deployment.
Who is the project designed for?
The project is a B2B2C platform. The host has an interest in selling to the SME market, or scale ups providing easy to consume security components with centralised policy management.
Customers include organisations that need to achieve security compliance to demonstrate trustworthiness, or larger organisations challenged an expanding business and a growing security exposure.
How will your project benefit the end-user?
End users can see evidence of security compliance and privacy protection. The project simplifies access to application protection, data encryption, identity management and strong authentication, as well as access to security dashboard, managed security services, and SOC (Security Operation Centres). Organisations can drive compliance and protect on-line trading for their customers.
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