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New SealedGRID Secondment

29 July 2019

Nikolaos Koutroumpouchos from University of Piraeus started his secondment in BEIA in Romania.

POSEIDON's project status - July/August 2019

26 July 2019

In its first year, the focus of POSEIDON was on the solution design and specification.

AEGIS discusses EU-US cybersecurity cooperation at CONNECT University Summer School

26 July 2019

Project members will speak about each region´s priorities and highlight the areas where collaboration already exists. Additionally, AEGIS will speak about the potential for greater cooperation in...

Announcing the AEGIS-SPARTA collaboration to foster EU-US cooperation in cybersecurity

26 July 2019

AEGIS is excited to announce that it will collaborate with SPARTA, a recently launched European Horizon 2020 project, to advance EU-US cooperation in cybersecurity R&I. This collaboration will...

Regulations vs. Guidelines: A Look at How the EU and the US are Dealing with Standards and Certification in Cybersecurity

26 July 2019

The AEGIS Project has analysed cybersecurity standards and certification measures and policy in both regions as part of its effort to foment greater EU-US cooperation on this key issue. The following...

Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - The European Research Landscape

26 July 2019

Cybersecurity and Privacy issues are becoming an important barrier for a trusted and dependable global digital society development.

Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - The European Research Landscape

26 July 2019

Cybersecurity and Privacy issues are becoming an important barrier for a trusted and dependable global digital society development.

Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - The European Research Landscape

26 July 2019

Cybersecurity and Privacy issues are becoming an important barrier for a trusted and dependable global digital society development.

Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - The European Research Landscape

26 July 2019

Cybersecurity and Privacy issues are becoming an important barrier for a trusted and dependable global digital society development.

Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - The European Research Landscape

26 July 2019

Cybersecurity and Privacy issues are becoming an important barrier for a trusted and dependable global digital society development.

Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - The European Research Landscape

26 July 2019

Cybersecurity and Privacy issues are becoming an important barrier for a trusted and dependable global digital society development.


26 July 2019

Cybersecurity and Privacy issues are becoming an important barrier for a trusted and dependable global digital society development.



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.

Future Events

The webinar will showcase new insights into research projects (CS-AWARE-NEXT, DYNABIC, AI4CYBER) dealing with cybersecurity research and innovation for the protection of critical infrastructures. The projects research on the challenges of cybersecurity and cyber resilience solutions and how the adoption of latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies can aid in the effectiveness and automation of such solutions. Furthermore, challenges arise to ensure trustworthy AI is used in the solutions.
