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Cyberwatching.eu workshop on ePrivacy


Cyberwatching.eu workshop on ePrivacy

10 May 2021, 11:30 - 13:00 CEST


Thank you to all speakers & viewers who joined yesterday’s workshop on the Cyberwatching.eu workshop on ePrivacy.

Watch it again, the workshop video recording is now available. And, download the presentation here.


We’ve seen from the introduction of the GDPR in 2018 that European privacy laws can have a wide ranging and complex application, with varying interpretations causing companies to take different steps to ensure their compliance.

The first ePrivacy Regulation proposal was published in 2017. Four years later companies are exhausted of waiting for an ePrivacy Regulation which is going through an extremely lengthy legislative process. After multiple rejected proposals and draft regulations, the current situation may be uncertain, however, what is certain is that the new ePrivacy rules will have a large impact. It is necessary to remain updated, especially for SMEs who may not be able to fully follow the process nor employ professionals to ensure the correct interpretation and compliance for their company. 

The first half of this workshop will look at the current state of the Regulation, its potential impact on SMEs and how it will interact with the GDPR, as well as how the EU approach to data protection is evolving, while the second half will allow participants to discuss data protection concerns that still affect their work with the legal specialists on the panel. 

Who is it for? 

Any SME that provides electronic communications services to end-users in the European Union, uses such services, provides protection of information related to terminal equipment of end-users and is unsure of the impact that the new ePrivacy Regulation will have on their work.

Aim of the workshop 

During the workshop, we will discuss the potential impact of the new regulation on e-privacy, which is changing how personal data can be processed in terminal equipment and how privacy must be protected in the electronic communications sector. The intricacies between the GDPR and ePrivacy will also be touched upon. The workshop will be a chance to learn about the upcoming changes and prepare for them to ensure business continuity.


11:30 - 11:35

Introduction about Cyberwatching.eu Project

Justina Bieliauskaite, DIGITAL SME, Cyberwatching.eu

11:35 - 10:30

User story - SME experience with privacy legislation

Leonard Johard, INDIVD

11:50- 12:30 Presentation of ePrivacy Regulation and requirements

Paolo Balboni, ICT Legal, Cyberwatching.eu

12:20 - 13:30 Interactive Session with audience

Paolo Balboni & Laura Senatore, ICT Legal

12:55 - 14:30 Closing


This SME workshop is organised in the framework of the European Project Cyberwatching.eu, which will contribute to making the Digital Single Market a safer place by promoting the uptake and understanding of cutting-edge cybersecurity and privacy services emerging from Research and Innovation initiatives across Europe.


On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.

Future Events

NERO Cybersecurity invites you to join its first webinar entitled "Empowering SMEs: Cybersecurity Strategies for a Secure Digital Future," on 3 July 2024 from 15:00-16:30 CEST.
