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Cybersecurity in practice - Navacchio (PI)


WISER (Wide-Impact Cyber Security Risk Framework) is a European H2020 Innovation Action that puts cyber-risk management at the very heart of good business practice thanks to a novel model-based cyber-risk management framework able to assess and mitigate cyber risks in real time, which also incorporates socio-economic impacts of cyber risks.

With this workshop, audiences will learn about how WISER is making cyber security accessible and affordable, especially for SMEs by breaking down barriers to effective cyber risk management thanks to free and easy to use tools to regularly profile their cyber risks and carry out vulnerability tests to stop attacks before they happen.

An interactive and practical demo session showcasing CyberWISER Light will give the audience the possibility to get a free of charge self assessment report for their organization with key insights on their cyber risks.

Cyberwatching will participate, presenting the SME end-user Club  (Silvana Muscella, Trust-IT)



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.