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WITDOM Key Manager

The WITDOM Key Management component provides management of secrets (for example, private and public encryption keys or credentials to access the storage) that are required for operations run by protection components. Since secrets are required in trusted and untrusted domains, there are two instances of the KM component in the WITDOM architecture with similar functionalities.

WITDOM Anonymization

Protection component that allows to anonymize data stored in a relational database. It selects automatically the anonymization algorithm that is more suitable for the data and the users' privacy requirements, and applies it seamlessly to the data, in order to protect privacy.

WITDOM Secure Signal Processing

WITDOM’s Secure Signal Processing (SSP) component performs secure signal processing operations on protected data and signals (encrypted, obfuscated, split or a combination thereof) in an untrusted environment, by preventing the disclosure of the sensitive information while it is being processed in the untrusted domain.

WITDOM Secure Computation

The Secure Computation component offers data protection functionalities by means of homomorphic encryption (HE) and secure multiparty computation (MPC), thus enabling privacy preserving computation in the untrusted domain.

WITDOM Data Masking

WITDOM’s data masking component is responsible for masking sensitive data classified as direct identifiers. The masking process creates service-and-user-specific tokens that can be updated over time, satisfying two main security requirements: irreversibility and unlinkability.


The WITDOM End-2-End Encryption (E2EE) component provides protection functionalities in terms of locally encrypting data in the trusted domain before storing them in the untrusted domain for the secure backup purposes.

Data Encryption

This tool provides the means for processing data in different ways, supporting different purposes with different privacy requirements. It includes several components providing the capabilities to encrypt data while preserving the format or ordering of the data. This tool enables users of legacy applications to move their databases to a public cloud, while preserving data privacy and confidentiality. Moreover, the tool provides components for data generalization as means for anonymizing bulk data using k-anonymity techniques.

WITDOM Data Transformation and Storage

With every request to the WITDOM platform for processing of new data, the data are first transformed into the common WITDOM format (if it is not in this format already) and then stored in the WITDOM Storage for further processing.


"PRISMACLOUD Tools: A cryptographic toolbox for increasing security in cloud services. reusable toolbox encapsulating cryptographic functionality from which dependably secure cloud services can be assembled. In order to provide a tangible abstraction of the complexity involved with the construction of cryptographically secured cloud services, we introduce the fourlayer PRISMACLOUD architecture. Top down, it consists of a use cases (application) layer, a services layer, a tools layer, and a cryptographic primitives and protocols layer.

WITDOM Integrity and Consistency Verification

WITDOM’s Integrity and Consistency Verification component protects the integrity and consistency of data outsourced to an untrusted remote storage.



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.