Mark Miller is the Founder and CEO of CONCEPTIVITY and is part of the cyberwatching.eu consortium. He has over 29 years of experience in defence, security, information technology and international supply chain security issues. He brings a breadth of expertise, which addresses key areas for cyberwatching.eu. He is the Vice Chairman of the European Organisation for Security (EOS) as well a Member of the Board of Directors of the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO). He is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) holding a degree from the MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department as well as an MBA from the International Institute for Management Development (IMD). He has competed certificates in 10 areas as a cyber-security expert under the US DHS (FEMA) covering broad aspects such as policy, legislation, regulation, ethics, white collar crime, planning, prevention, mitigation, and forensics. He is also a designated expert in the ERNCIP Smart Grids and Industrial Control Systems Expert Group (under the EC JRC) addressing cyber security issues in the industrial and smart grids context. He also was an important contributor to the development of the European Security Label concept as part of ESRIF.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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