The digital era is creating many opportunities for sectors like healthcare to improve service efficiency. But, at the same time, it introduces new challenges, including greater cyber risks. Cyber-incidents and cyber-attacks not only cause the loss of billions of Euros every year but also cause service disruptions and put patient well-being at risk. All too often, these incidents occur due to human error. Cyber security is all about how individuals and organisations reduce the risk of cyber-attacks.
This webinar gives key insights into good practices for medical, IT and other professionals working in healthcare organisations. It zooms in on key findings from PANACEA on the key role people in healthcare play in increasing resilience to cyber-attacks, explaining why everyone in the sector needs to be aware of the many risks. With the support of cyberwatching.eu, this webinar will share essential information on legal aspects all healthcare organisations need to know to protect patients' and staff personal information from the risk of theft.
This webinar is for anyone working in healthcare using connected devices like smartphones, laptops, tablets, computers and online services we access.
Participants will learn why it's so important to prevent unauthorised access to the vast amounts of personal information stored on these devices, making compliance with EU legislation on data protection a top priority.
11:00 – 11:05 - Welcome and challenges for healthcare in the new EU landscape - Nicholas Ferguson, Trust-IT Services
11:05 – 11:15 - Cyber security from a healthcare professional perspective - Sabina Magalini, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Gemelli
11:15 – 11:25 - Management of cybersecurity governance in healthcare infrastructures - Raniero Rapone, AON
11:25 – 11:35 - A Novice’s Guide to build a solid GDPR Data Protection Compliance Framework: a focus on the healthcare sector - Anastasia Botsi, ICT Legal Consulting
11:35 – 11:45 - Cybersecurity, EU data protection law and risk assessment in the eHealth sector - Eva Schlehahn - Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz, CANVAS
11:45 – 12:00 - Q&A session
Anastasia Botsi is trained in European law, and has Professional University Certificate (ECPC-B DPO) from the European Centre of Privacy and Cybersecurity (ECPC) in Maastricht University. She has also been sponsored by the Dutch Science Foundation to conduct research on the legal issues of managing cyber-security risks and cyber-attacks.
Assess. iur. Eva Schlehahn is a senior legal researcher and consultant at the Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany (ULD, translated: Independent Center for Privacy Protection). Since 2010, she has been working in various EC-funded FP7 and H2020 R&D projects focused on European data protection law, privacy, and security.
Topics covered by her work entail e. g. methodologies for data protection requirements analysis per case basis, data protection risk assessments, cloud computing, identity management, accessibility, usability, IT security, cybersecurity, Big Data, consent management, criminal intelligence analysis, and data privacy vocabularies and semantics. Moreover, she conducted extensive work on surveillance oriented security technologies. Her research interest is involving interdisciplinary requirements analysis to achieve comprehensive and applicable Privacy by Design solutions, as well as compliance of IT solutions with the European data protection framework. Eva Schlehahn is currently involved in the European H2020-funded projects SPECIAL (https://www.specialprivacy.eu/) and CANVAS (https://canvas-project.eu/).
Mr. Raniero Rapone has over 14 years of experience in delivery or research and development projects related to networking, computer security and cyber defence solutions. His experience spans implementation of operational networking and cyber security systems in support of defence, critical infrastructures protection and smart cities.
His technical experience includes a wide range of cyber security related technologies including switching and networking, firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems and advanced threat protection. Within the context of the FP7 PANOPTESEC project, Raniero developed the simulation environment platform to be used for development, test and validation of the system.
Senior Surgeon of the Emergency and Trauma Surgery Unit at the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Gemelli (FPG) and Assistant Professor of Surgery at the Rome Catholic University School of Medicine (UCSC). She is also an Associate Researcher of the Italian National Council of Research (CNR-IASI); Fellow of the American College of Surgeon, of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma and of the European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES).
Her main interests focus on hospital surge plans, medical response to major incidents, emergency and trauma care system, decision support systems for major emergencies, training guidelines and standards in the framework of EU Programme projects (SICMA, EDEN, PULSE, REACHING OUT, ENCIRCLE, NO-FEAR). To all of these she actively participated as Investigator.
Nicholas Ferguson, Digital Communications Strategist & Project Manager. Nicholas has an MSc in Educational Management and a BA Hons in Politics and Sociology. He is the coordinator of the Common Dissemination Booster (CDB) as well as the coordinator of cyberwatching.eu. Previously, he was the coordinator of the CloudWATCH2 project and deputy coordinator of CloudWATCH, SLA-Ready, SIENA and OGF-Europe. He excels in building & promoting innovative tools and services in the ICT innovation landscape. His work focuses on raising awareness of novel tools and services in ICT, in the private, especially SMEs and public sectors as well as providing contributions to the adoption of ICT Standards. Since its launch in 2009, Nicholas managed the Cloudscape Series, www.cloudscapeseries.eu that grew from a funded initiative by the EC to becoming a self-sustaining event attracting international thought leaders in the cloud space in Europe. Nicholas has also played an instrumental role in the evolution of the yearly concertation meetings of the CloudWATCH & CloudWATCH2 projects.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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