Jason Xabier Mansell
Nicolas Ferry
01 December 2022
30 November 2025
Adopting AI-based defensive solutions and innovative methods for business continuity risk management based on improved SecDevOps (making every decision from a security-first mindset) can considerably enhance the resilience of critical services. To support the provision of completely resilient critical services to European citizens, the EU-funded DYNABIC project aims to deliver socio-technical methods, models and tools for resilience management. It will produce and validate a framework that enables system operators to forecast, assess and mitigate in real time business continuity risks and their possible cascading effects.
Improving the CI capacities at preparedness, detection and response phases requires the attention to the human factor as well as the collaboration of heterogeneous organisations involved in the CI development and operation, ensuring a continuum of care, just as it is done for other ICT systems with the adoption of SecDevOps approaches. DYNABIC Consortium believes that the adoption of defensive AI and novel approaches to continuous business risk management based on enhanced SecDevOps can drastically improve critical services resilience. Furthermore, AI-based self-healing and autonomous response automation can greatly help to achieve fast and efficient recovery and enable the provision of fully resilient critical services to European citizens.
The strategic objective of DYNABIC is to increase the resilience and business continuity capabilities of European critical services in the face of advanced cyber-physical threats. This objective will be pursued by delivering new socio-technical methods, models and tools to support resilience through holistic business continuity risk management and control in operation, and dynamic adaptation of responses at system, human and organization planes.
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