Julie Arteza
01 November 2019
31 October 2022
The next-generation of telecom networks (fifth generation or 5G) is expected to unleash a massive Internet of Things (IoT) where networks can serve billions of connected devices. Improving security of 5G and Beyond networks is necessary. The EU-funded INSPIRE-5Gplus project will introduce novel solutions and paradigms to make maximum use of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and Blockchains. The overall aim of the project is to deliver unique assets to achieve intelligent and trusted multi-tenancy (confident, evidence-based and liable) across multi-tenants’ infrastructure. It will also improve control of systems, and reduce vulnerabilities and compromises for the infrastructure owners and tenants.
The goal of INSPIRE-5Gplus is to advance security of 5G and Beyond networks via two main approaches: (1) by leveraging/extending existing assets such as Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs), Remote Attestation/Path Proof/RCA (Root Cause Analysis), and end-to-end liability management between parties, and (2) by introducing novel solutions/paradigms exploiting the potential of new trends including AI/ML and Blockchains. Accordingly, the INSPIRE-5Gplus project will address key security challenges against the concrete and efficient realisation of 5G through vertical applications, ranging from autonomous and connected cars to Critical Industry 4.0 (under specific regulation constraints).
Grounded in an integrated network management system and relevant frameworks, INSPIRE-5Gplus is entirely devoted to improve security at various dimensions (i.e., overall vision, use cases, architecture, integration to network management, assets, and models). It is also committed to deliver actionable results and enablers for all relevant stakeholders at both Program and Community levels. These outcomes will serve the crucial objectives of intelligent security and pervasive trust for future connected systems where Security will not be software-defined only, but will also be governed by Algorithms (AI, ML, Modeling, Optimization) to realize new concepts such as pro-active security while being trustworthy. Through its objectives, INSPIRE-5Gplus will deliver unique assets to achieve intelligent and trusted multi-tenancy (i.e. confident, evidence-based, and liable) across multi-tenants infrastructure, whilst also improving the control of systems, vulnerabilities and compromises for the infrastructure owners and tenants.
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